Duroc creates value through strategic acquisitions and long-term development of the subsidiaries.

Duroc strives to build and develop a group of high-quality companies across various sectors and reduce risk with a diversified portfolio. Through a defined acquisition process, Duroc creates value already at the time of acquisition, for example, by using a conservative valuation model for potential target companies.
Duroc aims for long-term ownership of its subsidiaries and does not have an exit strategy for the companies. With a long-term perspective in ownership, we are not deterred from acquiring companies that are assessed to have short-term challenges. The subsidiaries are closest to the customers and therefore understand the market and customer needs best. The management model is decentralized, and each company is responsible for its performance. We see entrepreneurship as the foundation for healthy and profitable growth.
The group's companies have in common that they are stable businesses with long-term earning potential and development prospects. The companies build their operations on extensive knowledge of both technology and the market. As an owner, Duroc takes an active role and contributes to the development of each business. By investing in existing companies as well as acquiring new ones, the Duroc Group creates value growth for its shareholders.
Acquisition model
- We continuously monitor the market to identify good acquisition opportunities.
- A flexible approach allows for more deal closures.
- Our professional network enables us to seek acquisition opportunities across various industries as well as bolt-ons to our existing companies.
- We apply a sound and conservative valuation model.
- The acquisition price prioritizes tangible assets, not goodwill.
- We seek acquisitions that are fundamentally sound businesses with good development potential.
- Synergies with existing operations and/or areas of expertise within our current structure.
- By having financing solutions ready, we can move quickly to close deals when good opportunities are identified.
Development of portfolio companies
Value Creation Plan
- Goal-Based Management
- Sharp and Purposeful Business Analysis
- Customer Focus
- Innovation in All Areas of the Business
- Supported by the Right Competence
- Strategic Investments
- The Right Leaders
- Trust in and Investment in Employees
- Appreciation and Accountability
Why sell to Duroc?
Listen to Broddson's CEO, Mats Hofstam, talk about why they decided to sell their family business to Duroc.
Want to be a part of Duroc? Contact John Häger.
John Häger