About Duroc
Duroc Group
in short
Duroc is a long-term investment company that acquires industrial and trading companies. Duroc does not intend to actively divest our companies. Sound finances, low leverage, diversification, and conservative valuation of potential acquisitions are some of the cornerstones of the strategy.

100% ownership
Duroc also opportunistically acquires shares in other companies, preferably resulting in 100 percent ownership of the target company. However, Duroc may also occasionally acquire smaller stakes in other companies, provided that it is assessed that they can influence the operations of such a target company, always with the aim of creating value growth for Duroc's shareholders.
About Duroc
Duroc strives to build and develop a group of high-quality companies across various sectors.
The companies are closest to the customers and therefore understand the market and customer needs best. The group's management model is highly decentralized, and the different companies are responsible for their performance. We believe that maintaining entrepreneurship as a foundation leads to healthy and profitable growth.
The group's origins are Swedish, but operations are conducted in Europe and the USA. Our ambition moving forward is to continue growing in technical trade by investing in our existing companies as well as in potential new additions. Learn more about our companies:
Business concept – Duroc creates value through opportunistic acquisitions and long-term development of the subsidiaries.
Strategic acquisitions
- Well-developed acquisition model
- Sound valuations of targets
- Potential acquisitions shall contribute to customer benefit
- Looks for development potential in acquired business
- Strong confidence in the subsidiaries' own ability to develop the acquired businesses
- Utilization of existing platforms and resources
- Aiming for acquisition objects that share Duroc's values
- Acquisitions can take place within new as well as adjacent sectors
Long-term sustainable development of our companies
- Supports subidiary development plants
- Investments
- Strategic development together
- Able to add the right leaders
- Growth is based on actual values such as cash flows and tangible production assets
- Decentralized control model as well as an entrepreneurial leadership
- Local management with full responsibility for the business
Our values
Sound finances, low leverage, diversification, and conservative valuation of potential acquisitions are some of the cornerstones of the strategy.

Devoted to our commitments.

Team work
Strong collaboration both internally and externally

Sustainable value creation
Long-term, sound business, sustainable society

Responsible owners, leaders and businesses